​The Nutmeg German Shorthaired Pointer Club, Inc.
About The Nutmeg German Shorthaired Pointer Club
Who We Are
Founded in the early 1950's, the Nutmeg GSP Club is an active regional dog club based in Connecticut drawing members from New England and beyond. Our parent club is the German Shorthaired Pointer Club of America (GSPCA), and we are incorporated as a 501(c)7 non-profit organization.
Members include anyone with a love for the Shorthair, from professional breeders and trainers, to enthusiasts who simply love training their dogs to do what they were bred to do...hunt! Please visit the Membership page for information on how to join our club; and our About the GSP Breed page to learn more about the German Shorthaired Pointer.
Events We Host
Our club typically hosts two Field Trials, two Hunt Tests, a Specialty Show, and a Supported Entry Show each year. All events are registered with the American Kennel Club (AKC) and successful "wins" are counted toward respective AKC titles.
Club Meetings
Club meetings are held six times per year, four of which are Board of Director's meetings and usually occur after the field events (field trials and hunt tests), and two are general meetings typically held at member's homes (an annual summer picnic and holiday gathering). Sometimes meetings include fun field days or training seminars. All meetings are open to the membership. Please see the calendar of events for dates
Constitution and Bylaws
The Nutmeg constitution and by-laws are the written rules adopted by the club which direct our internal administration and management.
Janet McMillan-Zwirko
Vice President
Nancy Ernest
Donna Roy
Find links to officers, event secretaries and committee chair-people on our contact us page.